purine metabolism

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purine metabolismpurine metabolism
  1. The end product of purine metabolism varies from species to species .


  2. Purine metabolism in Schistosoma japonicum


  3. Uric acid as the end-product of purine metabolism in human body is excreted through kidney .


  4. Background . Uric acid is the product of purine metabolism ; however , a relatively higher level of serum uric acid in human is observed than that in other mammals since genetic mutations .


  5. Most prokaryote and eukaryote have intact urate oxidase gene ( wo ) that produces urate oxidase activity and excretes allantoin as the end product of purine metabolism .


  6. Urate oxidase has been found in the body of many species , while birds and some higher primates ( eg apes and humans ) lack functional urate oxidase in vivo and excrete uric acid as the end product of purine metabolism .


  7. Human beings lack active uricase because of gene mutations , leading to uric acid as the end product of purine metabolism and resulting in the development of urate nephropathy and gouty arthritis when the concentration of uric acid reaches its solubility limit in blood ( hyperuricemia ) .


  8. Effects of High Intensity Exercise on Purine Nucleotide Metabolism of Rats And Study of Motor Model


  9. Effect of morphine on purine nucleotides metabolism in gene level


  10. The effects of high intensity exercise on purine nucleotide metabolism of rats were studied in this paper . Simultaneously , the feasibility of the motor model was discussed .


  11. Conclusion Morphine may affect purine nucleotide metabolism of nerve cells , increase the adenylate and adenosine levels , which may be one of the mechanism of morphine dependence and tolerance .


  12. Objective : To observe the changes of purine nucleotide metabolism of rat central nervous system during morphine dependence and withdrawal , and look for regulating and domino effect related to morphine dependence .


  13. Free radicals were produced in the process of arachidonic acid metabolism , adenosine purine nucleotide metabolism and nitric oxide pathway after cerebral ischemia and reperfusion , which may be an important mechanism of BBB permeability alteration .


  14. Purine and lipid metabolism are important in diabetes patients and are more helpful for physician to evaluate coronary artery risk .


  15. These genes involved in ribosome , photosynthesis , oxidative phosphorylation , purine and pyrimidine metabolism and chlorophyll biosynthesis .


  16. Uric acid ( UA ) is an end product from purine derivatives in human metabolism .


  17. With the increase in people purine diet , the body of purine metabolism disorder , and ultimately cause hyperuricemia , gout and hyperuricemia is an important prerequisite for the onset .
